Rusa/Franticshipping ceo and propagandist

RuSa here! I make extremely self-indulgent FranticShipping/RuSa content, sometimes PokeSpe and others. Feel free to browse through my carrd. I suggest you check out my franticshipping compilation page!!


Franticshipping compilation page

Quick Franticshipping rant

My main OTP of all time is FranticShipping/RuSa [Ruby/Sapphire] from PokeSpe/Pokemon Adventures!

Here a list of links/urls of my analysis, headcanons, and an iceberg meme I made and written for franticshipping. Hopefully, this is enough to show how dedicated and passionate I am for this ship and these characters. ^-^


Other than pedo ships [between adult and minor], incest ships [between family members], and ships with large age gaps [4 years is tolerable but I won't tolerate any 5-year age gap and above], I don't ship any romantic pairing that separates Pokespe Ruby and Pokespe Sapphire/Franticshipping. Other ships are fine, but separating Pokespe Ruby and Pokespe Sapphire, and shipping them with another character is something I'm not and never willing to do.I'm also aware that you don't have to make content for your favorites in order to be called a fan or a "real" fan; loving and enjoying your favorite media is enough. This is just my way - my personal method - of showing how dedicated and how much I love franticshipping/Ruby and Sapphire. I hope you understand! ^-^

Terms of service

1. I reserve the right to turn down commission requests.
In addition, I reserve the right to turn down commission requests of ships I'm not comfortable with. These ships include any ship that separates Pokespe Ruby and Sapphire/Franticshipping. Other ships are fine, but separating Pokespe Ruby and Sapphire, and shipping them with another character is something I'm not willing to do.
2. Asking to copy other people’s art styles and writing styles are not allowed.

3. These commissions are strictly for PERSONAL use only. These include using the commissioned art as profile pictures, banners, wallpapers, and discord/twitch emojis.

4. Commercial use is NOT allowed. This includes reselling the artwork and the writing, especially using them for advertisement. Using the artwork and the writing for cryptoart, tokenized tweets, and NFT are strictly banned.

5. Retracing the fan art is NOT allowed. Posting the fanfic in your own fanfiction account is NOT allowed. However, I do approve of you reposting the art on social media but crediting me, the artist and the writer, is required.
The commissioner is allowed to modify the art [by putting backgrounds and color], but when you, the commissioner, post it on social media, crediting the artist/writer is required.I will also ask the commissioner’s permission if I'm allowed to post their commission on my social media pages.
6. Using the commissioned / requested fan art or manga coloring for NFT or crypto art is NOT allowed.

7. The commissioner is allowed to have a maximum of 2 revisions. An additional $5 fee is required for the next ones.

8. First come, first serve.

9. The commissioner must pay half the price before I start the commission. Paying it at full price is encouraged.

10. Please note that I also have a collab account [@franticcakes], an irl job, and my own self-indulgent personal projects to work on, which means your commission could take some time. I will, however, contact you if there are any scheduling conflicts or hindrances.

By commissioning me, you agree with my terms and conditions.

ko-fi requests

1 Ko-fi = a manga coloring of 1 character of choice with a simple colored background5 Ko-fi = a manga coloring of 2 characters of choice with a simple background OR a 1000-word fanfic OR a pixel art of your favorite Pokemon (1st evolution only)10+ Ko-fi = a full-page manga coloring of choice OR a 3000+ word fanfic OR a pixel art of your favorite Pokemon (legendaries/mythical and 2nd to final evolution are included)
Note: 1 ko-fi = 3 USD

Commission Info:

Commissions are always open!

fanfictionsOCs / Original Storiesromantic relationships/shipsPokemon fan arts
DISCLAIMER: I have the right to decline if it’s my NOTP; those include any ships that separate Ruby and Sapphire (Pokespe).

NSFW / smut / lemon / R- 18 [nudity, any form of sexual content]Pedophilia [between adult / minor]Incest [between family members]Offensive content [racism, homophobia, transphobia, anything against LGBTQA+, xenophobia, etc.]MechasFurriesRealistic art stylesComplicated backgroundsHorror / Thriller / Suspense [not experienced enough]Heavy gore [minor gore is acceptable]
No maximum word requirement, but commissions are strictly limited to one-shots.

Note: I can do Manga coloring but only as ko-fi requests. Not a commission. Any manga will do, but please provide references.

Payment Method

Prices for writing commissions are $1 (US) per 100 words.Ko-fi requests, whether it's manga coloring or Pokemon fan art, depends on the commissioner's request / permission.All payments must be via PayPal or Ko-fi.Refunds are not applicable.

Writing Samples:

Title: The OnlookersSummary: Everyone but Ruby and Sapphire seemed to notice how much those two are so into each other. Are they even a couple to begin with? If not, that would be so frustrating. A mini-series of an outsider’s perspective about Ruby and Sapphire’s feelings for each other.Fandom: Pokespe/Pokemon AdventuresPairing: Ruby x Sapphire/FranticshippingRating: G
Title: These Obvious SuspicionsFandom: Pokespe/Pokemon AdventuresPairing: Ruby x Sapphire/FranticshippingSummary: The Johto Dexholders along with Emerald have their speculations that Ruby and Sapphire are dating and all decided to "observe" the two just to find out if their hunches were correct.Rating: G
Title: A Ripple in TimeFandom: Pokespe/Pokemon AdventuresSummary: It happened; Ruby managed to use Celebi to travel back in time, trying to stop the biggest tragedy of his life. And while he succeeded, the alternate future he created might be even worse.Pairing: Ruby x Sapphire/FranticshippingRating: TTrigger warnings: Blood, mild gore, expilcit language, character deaths
Title: A Ripple in Time: The Alternate RealitiesFandom: Pokespe/Pokemon AdventuresSummary: No matter how small the changes you made in the past, everything will be affected and will change, despite it's from the past or the present. Glimpses of the alternate realities of every region from a fanfic called A Ripple in Time.Rating: T
Title: An ExperienceAn original storyRating: GSummary: Oswaldo experiences rain for the first time.
Title: Missing MemoriesFandom: Pokespe/Pokemon AdventuresSummary: In an instant, Sapphire lost her memories.Pairing: Ruby x Sapphire/FranticshippingRating: G
Title: Sapphire, Week 1, Day 6Fandom: Pokespe/Pokemon AdventuresSummary: It's the sixth Day during the Yveltal Game and things seemed off about Sapphire.Pairing: Ruby x Sapphire/FranticshippingRating: TTrigger warnings: Suicide attempt/mentions of suicidePart of my Pokespe TWEWY AU. TWEWY/The World Ends With You Spoilers AHEAD!!!
Title: To Die TryingFandom: Pokespe/Pokemon AdventuresPairing: Courtney x DaisyRating: GSummary: Courtney decided to call an old friend, only to realize that she has these hidden, romantic feelings for her.
Title: VS Groudon and KyogreFandom: Pokespe/Pokemon AdventuresPairing: Ruby x Sapphire/FranticshippingSummary: Ruby didn't trap Sapphire in the aircar after their confessions. They fought Groudon and Kyogre together, but the outcome wasn't something they'd expected.Warning: CHARACTER DEATHRating: T
Title: The Training of the MindFandom: Pokespe/Pokemon AdventuresPairing: Ruby x Sapphire/FranticshippingSummary: Courtney's offer was suspicious, but the moment she mentioned that one thing Ruby fears about, the boy had to consider it. However, the deal wasn't exactly made due to the Gym Leaders' interruption.Rating: T for character death
Title: Knowing One's Astrology (Kinda)Fandom: Pokespe/Pokemon AdventuresPairing: Ruby x Sapphire/FranticshippingSummary: With a little convincing, Sapphire became curious about her horoscope's compatibility with Ruby's. The results were something she didn't expect.Rating: G
Title: Tying Up These Loose EndsFandom: Pokespe/Pokemon AdventuresPairing: Ruby x Sapphire/FranticshippingSummary: Their promise to watch the Litleonid Meteor Shower Celestial Bodies Show together has come true after all.Rating: TTime period: Exactly one week after the ORAS arc
Title: Looking Forward To Our Future TogetherFandom: Pokespe/Pokemon AdventuresPairing: Ruby x Sapphire/FranticshippingSummary: Hoenn's Contest Spectacular celebrates its own Easter-themed Pokemon Contest, and Ruby and Sapphire joined to win together as a pairRating: TTime period: 3 years after the ORAS arc. Ruby and Sapphire are 18 years old while Emerald is 17.

commission samples:

Title: Discovering the Hoenn RegionFandom: Pokespe/Pokemon AdventuresRating: GSummary: X along with his friends are on a vacation in the Hoenn Region. They meet their senior Pokedex Holders along the way and Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald showed them the different forms of entertainment in Hoenn, from Contests to the Battle Frontier and the Pokemon League.
Title: It's The Thought That CountsFandom: Pokespe/Pokemon AdventuresRating: GPairing: OC x Canon/Silver x CometSummary: As odd as it may seem, Silver planned to give his father, Giovanni—the boss of the evil Team Rocket—a birthday present and he needed help.
Title: It's Been A WhileFandom: Pokespe/Pokemon AdventuresRating: GPairing: Sun x Moon/DeliveryshippingSummary: Moon only returned to Alola for her thesis but apparently, Sun has other plans.

Fan art and manga coloring samples

Frequently Asked Questions [faq]:

Do you take free requests? [Fanfics, manga coloring, fan art]It depends if I have time. If I do accept your free request, please specify what it is. [Manga panel, characters, plot, etc.] I tend to forget to ask what it is because requests should have some creative freedom since I'm doing it for free. However, I will decline any NSFW / R-18 request and just like my terms and conditions, I have the right to decline requests, especially if it's hateful and makes me uncomfortable.

I do have certain rules, specifically for franticshipping. Those are:

1. No love triangles. I already stated this. I despise love triangles, especially if it's made to "spice" things up or to make things "hot".
2. No jealous Sapphire. Whether it's intentionally or not, I despise that. We already saw how she acted in canon but in reality, she's just scared and insecure that she'll lose Ruby, just like all of her loved ones. Jealous Ruby is something I have done in the past but to make it even, I will NOT do it.
3. One-sided/unrequited love is fine since I did write one for Wally's crush on Sapphire.

Can I quote retweet [QRT] your posts?NO if it's an art / fanfic / manga coloring posts. Yes if it's memes and other random posts.

Can I use your art / manga coloring as my banner / profile picture?Yes, but please give credit. A simple profile pic / banner by @TheCEOofRuSa would suffice.

Can I repost / retrace your art? Can I repost your fanfic?Reposting is forbidden unless I say so, and please NO retracing. You can use it as reference, but please don't post it as your own. Sharing links of my fanfics is highly encouraged and appreciated.

Can you remove the watermark in your art?No. As much as I hate putting the watermark, it stays on. Art thieves may steal it and, more often than not, will refuse to give proper credit. Only commissions and ko-fi requests will receive no watermark, but posting it on social media requires watermark.

Can I write a story based on your fanfic?Absolutely! But I have to be part of the project to help and act like a guardian / mentor. I will give you the creative freedom, but I need to be involved with the writing process. Crediting the inspiration is also a requirement.

Can I draw fan art based on your fanfic?Absolutely! But please give credit. The name of the fic and the name of the author aren't enough. Please provide a link / url to the art so people can actually read the fic and know the context of the art. It's fine if you forget the name of the author but all I ask is a link of the fanfic to the art post.

Can I tokenize your tweets or use if for crypto art/NFT?No.

Can I repost the art you commissioned / use the art you commissioned as my profile picture or banner?No. If you reposted an art I've commissioned, either take the post down or pay me 50% - 75% of the original price. I paid the artist to do it and it's unfair that people are posting it as if it were theirs. Pay with an actual, real life money or take down the post.

I'm okay with:

Spam likes / RTs. Like and/or retweet with your heart's content. QRT [Quote Tweet] with memes are okay, but please don't QRT my art, unless you're telling people to check my work or using my work as a good example.DMs. I tend to respond slowly - I genuinely apologize for that - but DMs are fine. I don't care if it's good or bad news. I'm used to the latter.Soft blocking [mute] if we're mutuals. Hard blocking [block] if we're not mutuals.

Don't follow if:

The usual basic rules:
Don't follow if you're against LGBTQIA+ Rights [Homophobe, lesphobic, biphobic, terf/transphobic, etc.], if you discriminate asexual / aromantic people, racist, sexist, and a bigotPedophile / MAP [Minor Attracted Person] / Groomer / You support grooming minors.You ship / support pedophilia / ephebophilia and incest romantic relationships.If you believe cancel culture is better than educating someone.This is quite personal but since this is a franticshipping account, please expect I will talk about franticshipping. So, don't follow if you dislike franticshipping/RuSa and/or think it's "abusive".Not a "Don't follow if" but please keep in mind that I won't and will never engage in anything NSFW / R-18 [jokes, fan arts, fanfics, etc.].